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Everything with Allan

With Allan on the team, Danske Spil has gained a foothold among Danish football fans – and secured a place in their community.

Sector: Entertainment and LeisureBrand:Danske Spil


It can be difficult to capture attention, as sports fans are bombarded with advertisements. Therefore, together with Danske Spil and comedian Rasmus Wallbridge, we created Allan: A fictional sports influencer with his own channel, Alt Med Allan.


The passionate AGF fan Allan vlogged his way straight into the constant online conversations about sports in general – and football in particular. Allan has been chatting about current matches, predicting transfers, and commenting on everything related to football (and a few other sports) on Facebook and Instagram. Always current and relatable … and in collaboration with Oddset.


Allan hasn't just created his own influencer life among Danish football fans. He has also scored big for Danske Spil. For example, engagement is 55% higher compared to other content from Oddset, and Allan's videos have performed 31 times better when measured against industry benchmarks.

Meet Allan here: