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Whiskas #Catsinboxes

We helped Whiskas arouse cats’ curiosity and stimulated indoor play by turning delivery boxes into cat play boxes.

Sector: FoodBrand:Mars
Campaign image of #catsinboxes from Whiskas


Consumers are shifting towards more premium cat food brands – often in the natural food sub-category and brands such as Purina Felix and Fussy Cat. We realised that to connect with a more digital-savvy audience (one that often buys cat food online), we needed to boost cultural relevance, increase perceived value, and capture their hearts.


Our insight was that cats are masters of turning even the most basic delivery box into a world of play. Therefore, we turned all large delivery boxes into a cat paradise. We entertained locked-down Australia with The Cat Castle, The Cat Office, and the Cat Roller Coaster.


An independent sales lift study by IRI revealed a return on investment of $3.79 which translated to a value uplift of 4.6%. Far exceeding the benchmark for average sales increase secured by pet food advertising campaigns. In addition, we saw a 70% uplift in Whiskas sales on Amazon during the campaign. Not only did we drive sales, but we also changed attitudes. Surveys of all those who received a Whiskas Amazon box revealed a 5% increase in brand consideration compared with a control group of people who ordered in the same time period.


Festival of Media Global | Gold - Best Engagement Strategy

Festival of Media Global | Gold - Best Event or Experiential Campaign

Festival of Media Global | Silver - Best Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Campaign

Festival of Media Asia | Gold - Audience

Festival of Media Asia | Gold - Creative use of Media