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Kontaktuj násPrielom pre značky v novej komunikačnej ekonomike.
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Kontaktuj násAk chcete dosiahnuť výrazný úspech pre vašu značku a zabezpečiť rast vášho podnikania, kontaktujte nás, prosím, tu.
Ozvite saKariéra v EssenceMediacom Slovensko? Zažiarte s nami!
Objavte otvorené rolyPomáhame klientom pochopiť paradox moderného marketingu. Pridávanie hodnoty, vytváranie konkurenčnej výhody a prelomenie nových možností prostredníctvom našich ľudí, našich schopností, údajov a technológií.
Andrej Dziak
Managing Director
Miroslav Hrivňák
Client Service Director
Lucia Stefansky
Head of Client Solutions & Strategy
Since it was first introduced to the world over 50 years ago, the Adidas Trefoil has lived a thousand lifetimes, trading feet with everyone, from athletes to cultural pioneers.
eBay at the Met Gala: Redefining Luxury with Authenticity and Sustainability
Coca-Cola Breaks Guinness Record by Connecting Millions of Chinese Families in Dragon Year Celebration
In 2023, India's 5G networks went live. All the leading telcos launched at the same time and the race was on to sign up as many of the half billion 4G users to the new technology. However, consumers were not convinced. Outspoken 5G skeptics took to social media to voice concerns and raise questions about the relevance and perceived value of 5G in their daily lives.
In 2024, Minute Maid (MM) established a clear growth priority, to penetrate rural areas in Mainland China. This strategic move proved to be a game-changer and broke the rural internet!
Assistance dogs allowed
Disabled toilets
This country’s offices sit under a regional hub, if you would like more information, get in touch below